Our Pastor


The mandate became clear on Pastor Rod’s life when Holy Spirit placed a passion in his heart to share the message of grace that is our portion because of the relentless love and sacrifice of Jesus Christ. This unfailing message of love drives Pastor Lumpkin’s worship and teaching on Kingdom Identity and Kingdom Living.

Pastor Rod Lumpkin is known for his worship leading and teachings across this Nation. In addition, he has produced, recorded, and written for several worship projects. Though an award, winning producer and songwriter music was not the ultimate call on his life.

The ultimate call on his life was to serve in the pastorate. Truly this is Pastor Rod’s passion as God has anointed him with a fathering spirit. Years in the coming finally on January 14,2017, Dayspring International Worship Center was birthed. DIWC is in the beautiful city of Lilburn Ga.

Pastor Rod Lumpkin II has attended Luther Rice Seminary majoring in Biblical Studies, studied at the New Covenant School of Theology, and now is pursuing a degree in Pastoral Theological Studies from Global Grace Seminary. Beside him stands his lovely wife Jacquelyne, two sons
Jousel and Jalen. Most recently added to the family precious
granddaughter Angelina.

The sole desire of Pastor Lumpkin is to see the reputation of Christ revealed as shone through those created in His image and after His own likeness.